Mikolaj Machowski wrote:

Noticed two bugs in vim script highlighting:

1. xnoremap and snoremap are not fully recognized. Compare highlighting
  of those three lines:

     inoremap <buffer> <silent> <expr> <C-C> <SID>CtrlC()
     xnoremap <buffer> <silent> <expr> <C-C> <SID>CtrlC()
     snoremap <buffer> <silent> <expr> <C-C> <SID>CtrlC()

  Arguments of xnoremap and snoremap aren't highlighted

2. Function element addButton is highlighted as error:

   function! forms#form.addButton(fname, flabel, fvalue, hotkey, listener)

  But it works (as in forms.vim). the same apply to call call.

Problem 1 has been addressed in the latest syntax/vim.vim -- please try it out.
I think problem 2 was addressed previously.

syntax/vim.vim is now up to v7.0-55, and you can get it from


You can then select vim.vim syntax.

Chip Campbell

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