David Thompson wrote:
--- "A.J.Mechelynck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
David Thompson wrote:
How does one uninstall the various pieces installed
via a vimball?
see ":help vimball-rmvimball"

Hmm, why do I get this error?

  :help vimball-rmvimball
  E149: Sorry, no help for vimball-rmvimball

What am I missing?


1) is the helpfile pi_vimball.txt installed, and where? (It should be in the doc/ subdirectory of some directory listed in 'runtimepath').

2) Let's say it's in $VIM/vimfiles/doc/ : then you need to run

        :helptags $VIM/vimfiles/doc

3) If you have it but it doesn't contain that tag, maybe the tag is named something else; look near the top of the file for its "table of contents".

4) My version of pi_vimball.txt is in $VIMRUNTIME/doc/ ; its first line says

*pi_vimball.txt*        For Vim version 7.0.  Last change: 2006 Sep 29

If you want to update your runtime files, download them from the ftp server


The dos/ subdirectory contains the files in "dos" format (with CR-LF ends of lines); the rest are the same files in "unix" format (with LF only). Download either pub/vim/runtime/dos or the rest of pub/vim/runtime but not both.

Or if you have the rsync utility, you can also use

 rsync -avzcP --delete --exclude="/dos/" ftp.nluug.nl::Vim/runtime/ ./runtime/

from the top directory where you compile Vim (I use ~/.build/vim/vim70/).

Best regards,

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