
On 10/17/06, David Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
--- Max Dyckhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --- David Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Does vim support a special type of 'iskeyword' setting for
> > Ctrl-] searching for tags?
> >
> > Here is my problem: after adding filenames to my tags file,
> > I now want to use the convenience of Ctrl-] to jump to files
> > as well as identifiers.
> >
> You could just use 'gf' to open the file under the cursor, assuming that it 
lies in
> your path. ^wgf will open it in a new split, just like ^w^] does for tags.
> If that isn't an acceptable solution, I don't have any other suggestions.

Well, I did solve the problem with a rather ugly function
that sets & resets iskeyword for one tag lookup.

But I was hoping vim might have a better way to use iskeyword
in a contextual manner specific just for tags.

Here is my solution:

I still use normal Ctrl-] for identifiers, but now use Ctrl-\
to tag on a filename.  It works pretty well, especially since
the ] and \ keys are next to each other on my QWERTY keyboard.

In my ~/.vimrc, I added,

  " map Ctrl-\ to do Ctrl-] on filenames
  nnoremap <silent> <C-\> :call TagFilename()<CR>
  function! TagFilename()
    let old_iskeyword = &iskeyword
    setlocal iskeyword+=\.,/
    let fname = expand('<cword>')

If you use expand("<cfile>"), then you don't need to change the
'iskeyword' setting. For example, you can use the following map:

 nnoremap <silent> <C-\> :tag expand("<cfile>:t")<CR>

- Yegappan

    let &l:iskeyword = old_iskeyword
    let v:errmsg = ""
    silent! execute ":tag ".fname
    if v:errmsg != ""
      echohl ErrorMsg
      echo v:errmsg
      echohl None

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