Neil Gabriel wrote:
On 11/9/06, A.J.Mechelynck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Neil Gabriel wrote:
> > I did in fact look at that.  Reading through the "internal" grep
> > however, I do not see a way of running a recursive search (i could be
> > missing it).
> >
> > Thanks
> If you mean recursing into directories, see the ** wildcard. I don't remember
> where in the help it's mentioned but that's what it means.
> A few (untested) silly examples:
>         :vimgrep /\<if\>/g $VIMRUNTIME/**/*.vim
> to find all "if" statements in all distributed Vim scripts.
>         vimgrep /\s/g /**/*
> to find all spaces and tabs anywhere on your hard disk (the current drive on > Windows, _all_ currently mounted filesystems on Unix). This might, of course, > take quite a lot of time. Don't try it unless you're ready to go to bed and
> see in the morrow whether Vim has finished searching!
> Best regards,
> Tony.
> P.S.
> 1. Top-posting is frowned upon in the Vim lists.
> 2. Please don't use private mail unless you're straying off-topic. I suppose > you can educate yourself to use "Reply to All" (or "Reply to List" if your
> mailer offers it) rather than "Reply to Sender", can't you?

On 11/9/06, Neil Gabriel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Thanks for the info.. I will be sure to use 'Reply to all'.  With
regard to top vs. bottom posting, i'll have to dig through my gmail
settings... I image they support either way.

Thanks again

Btw ... Is there a way to map a key such that vim will invoke vimgrep
on whatever symbol the cursor is on?

Of course. Since Ctrl-R Ctrl-W inserts (in Command-line mode) the word under the cursor, you can use (untested):

        :map <F3>  :vimgrep /<Bslash><lt><C-R><C-W><Bslash><gt>/g<Space>

The cursor will (if I didn't goof) stop on the command-line, ready for you to insert the filename(s) (possibly with wildcards) then hit Return.

See ":help keycodes" and ":help <>" about how special keys have been 

Best regards,

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