On Fri 24-Nov-06 9:12am -0600, Brian McKee wrote:

>> I'm using version 1.4a.
>> Staring on line 37 in my version, there are usage statements.  If you
>> would rather not upgrade, then here's what it says:
>>     "     <Leader>ca
>>     "       show calendar in normal mode
>>     "     <Leader>ch
>>     "       show horizontal calendar ...

> It's actually mapped to \cal and \caL later in the plugin
> The comment is out of date (if you read the change log)

From calendar.vim (which is in my AsNeeded directory):

    if !hasmapto("<Plug>CalendarV")
      nmap <unique> <Leader>cal <Plug>CalendarV
    if !hasmapto("<Plug>CalendarH")
      nmap <unique> <Leader>caL <Plug>CalendarH
    nmap <silent> <Plug>CalendarV :cal Calendar(0)<CR>
    nmap <silent> <Plug>CalendarH :cal Calendar(1)<CR>

Looking at my vimrc file, I have:

    nmap <silent> <leader>cv :Calendar<CR>
    nmap <silent> <leader>ch :CalendarH<CR>

Although this works fine, type :nmap \c shows maps for

    \cv  \ch  \cal  \caL

where \cal behaves like \cv and \caL behaves like \ch.

I thought I could stop this duplication by changing my vimrc
maps to:

    nmap <unique> <Leader>cv <Plug>CalendarV
    nmap <unique> <Leader>ch <Plug>CalendarH

just like in calendar.vim.  While this eliminates the
duplicate mappings, neither \cv or \ch does anything :-(

Without modifying calendar.vim, does anyone know how to
eliminate the mappings of \cal and \caL from being made?
[Yes, I know I can unmap them.]

Best regards,

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