Further clarification -- I went to the Cream web page because the VIM
Downloads page links there as a way of getting a fully patched version
of VIM for the PC:


"For the latest version with all patches included see Cream below.
These versions are unofficial, but the number of downloads is high and
the number of complaints is nil."

On 12/6/06, Paul Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is anyone else seeing this problem?

My Windows 2000 system reboots when I issue ":w!" to overwrite a
read-only file.  (I normally do this when I forget to mark a file
writeable.  I force the write and then mark it writeable with a
function key mapped to ":!attrib<space>-r<space><C-R>%<CR>" )

I am using VIM 7.0, compiled on Nov 7, 2006, with patches 1-161.

I obtained this version of VIM from here:


I was trying to install a non-Cream version of VIM with the latest
patches.  I followed the link from the Cream page, which points to
non-Cream VIM installers:


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