Hugh Sasse wrote:

I am interested in exploring Lisp before too long. However, I have a physical problem with the parentheses. My nystagmus
means that just outside the subitizing range my time to count
parentheses increases dramatically.  According to wikipedia
it should increase at roughly 100ms below 4 and 250 milliseconds for
every item above 4.  So this code from Wikipedia:

(defun factorial (n)
 (if (<= n 1)
   (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))

should mean it takes about 650ms for someone to see there are 5
close parentheses at the end.

You can also simply try putting

:let g:lisp_rainbow= 1

in your <.vimrc> . The lisp highlighting syntax file (syntax/lisp.vim) already supports colorizing
()s based on nesting level.

Chip Campbell

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