John Beckett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> >I think this puts too much burdon the volunteers that become an admin.
> >And it defeats the easy of use of a wiki.
> I was suggesting that people who have a tip, or a change, would
> email it to a Vim mailing list, where it would be massaged by the
> community, then posted to the wiki by an admin. Yes, that would
> burden the admins, and is against the spirit of a wiki.
> However, as I understand the Google wiki, a person wanting to post
> a tip would need to have a Google ID, and would have to mail an
> admin, and the admin would have to add the new person as an admin,
> then reply to the mail.
> That's also a pain for an admin, and is not really easy use of a wiki
> either. And which admin would be emailed?
> John

Hello all,

I just want to give you some ideas that you could maybe be useful for the Wiki 
(which I think is a great idea) or its administration.

Concerning the registration, a reply mail for a confirmation of the activation 
of the membership is a great idea, and would prevent some bots to automatically 
post on the Wiki.
Moreover, as an upper security level, the registering candidate could be asked 
to write down the numbers/letters that he/she would see on a picture 
representing those numbers/letters. That would prevent the registering 
candidate to be a bot or at least reduce it ever more (I've seen this in a 
couple of forums around).

I believe that all the members, asking for a registration, should be able to 
post tips. In order to make it possible, I think that 3 levels of members 
should be there:

1. Admins   : they manage the users and the wiki (they would have all the 
rights the reviewers have. See below)
2. Reviewers: the can review, edit and delete any post written in the wiki (it 
would facilitate the admins burden) and also manage the sections (create, move 
tips from a section to another, ...)
3. Members  : they can post tips and modify their own post. They become sort of 
the owner of their post but where reviewers and admins can overlook it

In this way, the responsability is a bit more spread and the admins are not 
only responsible for the Wiki contents.

Regarding the type of wiki, I just checked out Mediawiki for work and it seems 
pretty nice but I don't know if it would meet what I proposed but if you think 
my ideas could be used, I could check it out.

I hope it helped.

Gregory SACRE

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