Hello Yakov,

On 3/1/07, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Defining 'hi...' in vimrc is not good because 'color ...' commands, and
possibly by 'syntax on' commands.

sorry, I don't understand what you mean above.

The better method to customize colors is to
copy the colorscheme under your own name and customize the
colorscheme. Alternatively, you could use the autoevents, but these are
more tricky.

Ok, I get you that it isn't the best method,
but you still haven't answered why the line
"hi Comment    guifg=white  guibg=black"
in my ~/.vimrc is ignored.

When I enter ":hi Comment    guifg=white  guibg=black"
manually or ":so ~/.vimrc" then it does work.



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