On 3/1/07, Alexander Farber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Yakov,

On 3/1/07, Yakov Lerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Defining 'hi...' in vimrc is not good because 'color ...' commands, and
> possibly by 'syntax on' commands.

sorry, I don't understand what you mean above.

> The better method to customize colors is to
> copy the colorscheme under your own name and customize the
> colorscheme. Alternatively, you could use the autoevents, but these are
> more tricky.

Ok, I get you that it isn't the best method,
but you still haven't answered why the line
"hi Comment    guifg=white  guibg=black"
in my ~/.vimrc is ignored.

It's not ignored. It's overwritten later.

When I enter ":hi Comment    guifg=white  guibg=black"
manually or ":so ~/.vimrc" then it does work.

It's not ignored. It's overwritten later.
1. Try 'syn off' 'syntax on' after that. Does it affect you colors ?
2. Do you have 'color ...' c(colorscheme setting) in your vimrc ?


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