>It's somewhat hard to describe, but when typing the display appears to
>back up or stop moving, the text color looks kind of inverted, and
>characters sort of appear twice for a word or so. Backspacing and
>retying the exact same thing corrects the problem, saving and
>reopening the file also, it is purely a display problem, but highly
>irritating as I can't detect typos or read coherently. It happens
>quite frequently when typing, maybe once every couple lines.
>This is just me typing "I've got" once.

Whoa... seriously weird.

Any chance there's something xtermish going on, like 'ttyslow' or

I don't recall the exact setting ancient 'vi' had, but there was one for
slow tty lines, that would wait for you to finish a line when editing
before doing a screen-update.  With a faster line, the display could be
updated for each character typed/inserted/deleted/etc., but for slower
lines, to eliminate horrendously slow redraws of the screen or even a
*line* (that "inchworm effect" when inserting text at the middle of a
line), there was a way to turn on a sort of "lazy update" of the screen,
eg, when you'd hit <esc> so that it knew you stopped inserting text.

Other'n that suggestion, I can't even guess...  :\

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