> If I am in line 100, now I want to search a key which will lead me to 
> wherever. I want to back to the place before the seach, can vim support 
> anchor for me to back?

There are several possibilities, depending on your forethought
and quantity of travel.

If you jump elsewhere (searching, making "large" movements such
as page-up/down, etc), you can use control+O and control+I
(that's "oh" and "eye", not "zero" and "one") to navigate the
jump-list  (":help jumplist").  Control+o goes back to previous
jumps and then control+i moves forward in your list of jumps.

If you plan ahead, you can use the 26 named marks (":help mark").
 You can do something like


to drop the "a" mark at your current location.  You can then
freely navigate all over your document, and then use


to jump back to where you were.  The apostrophe just jumps to the
line, while the back-tick jumps to the line and
character-position.  Since you can mark any letter you want, you
can use "ma", "mb", "mc"..."mz" to mark up to 26 locations (if
you can remember them) and them use "`a", "`b", "`c",..."`z" to
jump back to each of them.  If you're forgetful, you can use the
":marks" command and vim will tell you where you can jump to with
the apostrophe/backtick.  Note that some are read-only so you
can't set them, but they offer conveniences such as the
backtick-backtick:  you can also use backtick-backtick to toggle
between the last two locations, jumping back and forth.

Hope this gives you several new ways to work.  I use a combo of
both marks (when I remember that there's someplace important I
want to jump back to) and the jumplist to see where I've been.


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