> Somehow it never occured to me that I could view and edit the contents
> of a recording. Of course, it's just a register, so I pasted the register; 
> edited the contents; then yanked the lines back into the register...
> and naturally this worked fine.

This is going to be immensely useful! Thanks for the heads up

> I was thinking that there should be a way to take the register lines
> and automatically turn them into an noremap (including adding the @ to
> start register playback). Has anyone perfected this?

Like this?

        :map {key} {C-R register}

For example if you want to "save" register q as <F2>:

        :map <F2> {C-R q}

where you actually type C-R q at the prompt.

If you like your new mapping and want to make it permanent:
  - open your ~/.vimrc in a new window/tab/buffer
  - bring up the commandline window (q:)
  - find the map comand you used
  - yank it (yy)
  - close the commandline window (C-C C-C)
  - paste it


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