Waters, Bill wrote:
Does anyone have experience with running gVim and using Cygwin commands (ex. 
indent)?  I would prefer not to run vim in a Cygwin terminal, unless someone 
has all of the configurations needed (syntax highlighting, etc) to have that 
act like gVim.


I do use gVim and cygwin. For using the cygwin bash shell instead of the regular Windows DOS prompt, I use the following in my _vimrc:
:set shell=c:\cygwin\cygwin.bat

The only problem I have is that I have to type the command twice. The first time opens the shell, the second will insert the result of the command.
For example to insert the current date, I do the following:
:r!date <enter>
date <enter>
exit <enter>

On my Mac OS X box, I can just type :r!date

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