Cyril Slobin wrote:
On 4/15/07, Tim Chase <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

While I don't believe there's an option per-se, it's very easy to use

        :nnoremap <up> gk
        :nnoremap <down> gj
        :vnoremap <up> gk
        :vnoremap <down> gj
        :inoremap <up> <c-o>gk
        :inoremap <down> <c-o>gj

to map the desired effect.  I've seen several folks on the list
who have such mappings.

This solution has one minor trap: arrows became broken when popup menu
is visible (eg in autocompletion mode). My (better I hope) version of
this idea is:

" Arrows should go into wrapped lines, but not while popup menu is visible
map <Down> gj
imap <expr> <Down> pumvisible() ? "<Down>" : "<C-O>gj"

map <Up> gk
imap <expr> <Up> pumvisible() ? "<Up>" : "<C-O>gk"

...or use Ctrl-N (Next) and Ctrl-P (Previous) to navigate the (insert-completion) popup menu. (For the right-click popup menu, if 'mousemodel' is set to "popup" or "popup_setpos", hold the right button and drag the mouse.)

Best regards,
Do something unusual today.  Pay a bill.

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