There's one file (.htm) that I edit, and every time I write it to-disk,
it'll say "[converted]", much the way you'd see on reading a file the
status message that lists any non-native format or other quirks of the
file, eg, "[unix]", "[noeol]", etc.  (At least that's what I recall;
the file's at home and don't have access to it here.)

Uhhh, "converted" from/to *what*??

It's an encoding issue:

        :help read-messages

where you'll read the terse blurb:

    conversion from 'fileencoding' to 'encoding' done

indicating that the file was encoded in one way ('fileencoding') but your vim is set to use 'encoding', so the file was converted from 'fileencoding' to 'encoding'.

It would be nice to have a link so that

        :help converted

dropped you right there in the docs, but at least

        :helpgrep converted]

found it.


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