I recently did a clean install of Ubuntu 7.04 and also installed all
vim related packages. That got me a gui version of vim (7.0.164/Big
compiled on 2007/03/11).

I now want to compile and install the gui version of vim 7.1. So, I
downloaded the tar-ball for the 7.1 sources to my home dir
($HOME/vim), untarred at ($HOME)/vim/vim71, enabled "CONF_OPT_FEAT =
--with-features=huge" in the src/Makefile. I also did "apt-get
build-dep vim" and finally ./configure followed by make (in

However, I'm ending up with the "Normal version" of vim and although
"vim -g" pops up a window, it doesn't show the menu and the toolbar.

I tried the same on Fedora Core 6 and got the same results. I tried
vim7.0 on ubuntu and have the same situation. Strangely enough, I was
previously able to compile vim7.0 on my Fedora Core 6 box and it gave
the menu and toolbar. (I don't know what I did right in that case.).

Any idea what I could be happening here?


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