David Rennalls wrote:

  I'm having some trouble getting netrw v109(vim 7.1 win WinXP)
working with scp.

:Nread scp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/hosts
..results in the following errors.
**warning** (netrw) unable to comply with your
request<scp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/hosts>
Enclosing the URL with double quotes makes no difference either.

"NetrwMessage"  --No lines in buffer--
Error detected while processing function netrw#NetRead:
line   91:
E121: Undefined variable: b:netrw_fname
E116: Invalid arguments for function s:GetTempfile(b:netrw_fname) "
apply correct suffix
E15: Invalid expression: s:GetTempfile(b:netrw_fname) " apply correct suffix
line  360:
E108: No such variable: "b:netrw_fname"

I get the same error no matter what g:netrw_scp_cmd is set to. There's
no command window popping up when the Nread is done so I don't think
it's even attempting to run the scp executable (which is pscp in my

Here's some pointers:

* Did you know that you don't need to use :Nread? Just :r ... would be fine.

* Drop the second colon from scp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/hosts
AND I suspect you want /etc/hosts, not /root/etc/hosts (/root generally acts as the
  home directory for root), so try using:

  scp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]//etc/hosts

* Did you read :help netrw-pscp, :help netrw-p8 for how to set netrw up to use pscp?

Chip Campbell

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