On 5/17/07, Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here's some pointers:

* Did you know that you don't need to use :Nread?  Just  :r ... would be

no I didn't. Thanks.

* Drop the second colon from scp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/etc/hosts
   AND I suspect you want /etc/hosts, not /root/etc/hosts (/root

you're right.. I did want /etc/hosts that's why I didn't put
~/etc/hosts (/root/etc/hosts) :) I was thinking of the usual scp path

generally acts as the
   home directory for root), so try using:

   scp://[EMAIL PROTECTED]//etc/hosts

* Did you read   :help netrw-pscp,  :help netrw-p8  for how to set netrw
up to use pscp?

yes, like I said I had set g:netrw_scp_cmd. I missed the lack of a
colon in the netrw-ref section though, assuming that the normal scp
syntax would work.

After getting rid of the colon *and* getting rid of the double-quotes
it works (for :r at least).
:r doesn't work with the quotes (E32: no file name), :Nread does.


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