> vim -u NONE
> :help help           " get some text on screen, and statuslines
> :silent :true         " The screen is garbled.

Not for me.

I think the point made earlier was that the docs actually, in the most strict 
logical sense, don't say anything about what you need to do if a command 
output anything. I.e. they say you need Ctrl-L if the command does output 
something, but are silent (no pun intended) on whether or not you need a Ctrl-L 
the command doesn't output anything. However, in English 'if' often really 
'if and only if', so the logic nitpicking isn't really valid--a phrase such as 
'particularly if' or 'and even sometimes if it doesn't' could perhaps make the 
documentation clearer--if the behaviour you mention actually is reproducible 
elsewhere and not just a bug in a particular version, system or GUI!

Which version/system/GUI are you using?


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