Ben Schmidt wrote:

> > Well, I can see that you get the information, but this is not really a
> > useful real-world example.  Think of a user that wants to get something
> > done for which v:operator is needed.  And for which there is no other
> > solution.
> Here's a somewhat naively implemented example where a custom
> text-object is defined that allows you to operate on a function name
> whether the cursor is on the name itself or on its arguments. You can
> yank with yF, change with cF, uppercase with gUF, etc. I can't think
> of any other way to do this, or more complicated language-based custom
> text-object definition--e.g. yank/change a whole conjunction or
> disjunction in a logic language, yank or change the condition of an
> 'if' or 'while' loop from anywhere within its body. Some of these
> would be more useful than others, of course, but there are a lot of
> real world possibilities, I think.
> Ben.
> :onoremap F <Esc>:call OperateFunctionName()<CR>
> function! OperateFunctionName()
>       let last_count = v:count
>       let last_op = v:operator
>       let last_reg = v:register
>       exe "normal \<Esc>"
>       while search('\(\%#\i\|\i\s*\%#\)\i*\s*(','ce',line('.')+1) == 0
>               normal [(
>       endwhile
>       exe "normal \<BS>\"_yiw"
>       echo 'normal '.(last_count>0?(last_count):'').'"'.last_reg.last_op.'e'
> endfun

I see.  In general the reason we need v:operator would then be that you
need it for situations where you need to get out of operator pending
mode, move around and restart the operator.

Did you copy the v:variable values because they change when executing
the other commands?  A remark about that will be useful in the docs.

OK, I'll include the patch after sufficient testing.

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70. ISDN lines are added to your house on a hourly basis

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