> Unfortunately this patch will break MacVim compilation because of the
> MacRoman encoding support won't get compiled (MacVim does not use
> gui_mac.c, neither does vim-cocoa for that matter).  Why is it not
> possible to have the encoding functions in a separate source file?

The problem is mostly Mac-specific prototypes in os_mac_conv.pro.

But if you look, none of the MacRoman functions have moved anyway, only Unicode 
ones that it seems only things like clipboard support use in plain Vim. The 
MacRoman stuff was left in os_mac_conv.c. Does MacVim use those same functions, 
though? But as per my previous email, perhaps it is better to leave them where 
they are and use casts. I'll see if it works that way and send a patch shortly 
it does. Then Bram can choose which he reckons is better. :-) It's probably a 
thing to have available for use by other Mac-related GUIs, even if MacVim 
use them yet.



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