> 1. abbrevs are not triggered by a mapping when remapping is off:
> " abbrevs not triggered:
>  :ino <esc> <esc>
>  :ino <esc> <c-]><esc>
> " abbrevs triggered as expected:
>  :imap <esc> <esc>
>  :imap <esc> <c-]><esc>| " careful, endless loop
> I'd like to have abbrevs expanded in all situations.

I think that could be quite 'unsafe' to trigger without an explicit command. 
whole point of noremap is to ignore all user customisations so that Vim behaves 
completely predictably. Expanding abbreviations would undermine this. It 
be so bad in insert mode as in command mode, but it still would be bad.

But if <C-]> is a command to expand an abbreviation, then indeed, it should 
do so even for a noremap, as that is its function! I would say it's a bug that 
that doesn't work.

> 2. The key i_Ctrl-] is supposed to trigger an abbrev without inserting a
> character.  Now it does insert itself if there is no abbrev to expand.
> How is this useful in any way?  IMHO it should never insert itself.

I would agree with that. If it's a command, it should be a command; if it's not 
command, it should insert itself; it shouldn't decide on the spur of the moment 
which it wants to be. I'd probably call that a bug too.

My Vim exhibits the same behaviours.


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