Matt Wozniski wrote:

>On Jan 16, 2008 3:59 PM, Ben Schmidt wrote:
>>Charles E. Campbell, Jr. wrote:
>>>I think it'd be a small thing -- but only Bram knows for sure.
>>>I'd like Decho (from my debugging plugin) to be able to report what
>>>line/file/function it was called from so I can relate Decho output to
>>>where it was generated.  Something like the following would do the trick:
>>I personally would think that having a function that returns the call stack 
>>as a
>>list would be a better interface for this, but agree it could be handy info to
>>have for plugin writers and for debugging vimscript generally.
>>This should probably have been a new thread.
>function C()
>  echo expand("<sfile>")
>function B()
>  echo expand("<sfile>")
>  call C()
>function A()
>  echo expand("<sfile>")
>  call B()
>call A()
>results in this being printed:
>function A
>function A..B
>function A..B..C
>So, you can easily make a function yourself returning the callstack,
>something like:
>function! CallStack()
>  return split(substitute(expand("<sfile>"), '^\S\+\s', '', ''), '\.\.')
If this is intended to address the topic for debugging ... just what 
line in the functions are A, B, and C called from?

Chip Campbell

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