On Aug 26, 9:40 am, Ben Fritz <fritzophre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> From my understanding, 'fileencoding' is the encoding Vim is supposed
> to use to read/write the file. So, it does make sense that we should
> use this instead of just 'encoding' for the charset of the generated
> html. Does anyone know why TOhtml has used 'encoding' instead?

One problem with the supplied patch, is that Vim will use 'encoding'
for a file's encoding, if 'fileencoding' is empty. In my setup, it
looks like 'fileencoding' is nearly always empty.

So, the script will need to fall back to 'encoding' if 'fileencoding'
is empty. Probably it should also re-detect the charset using
'encoding' when 'fileencoding' is not blank but does not resolve to a
valid charset.

Any thoughts? Like I said, I've never needed to mess with 'encoding'
or 'fileencoding' in my daily use of Vim.

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