On Sep 10, 10:22 pm, Benjamin Fritz <fritzophre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Unfortunately, I could not find a list of widely supported charsets,
> so I just used all the ones in Vim and the IANA registry, as mentioned
> previously. If there is such a list, would it be a good idea to limit
> the automatically detected charsets to those in the list? Along those
> lines, it could be a good idea to automatically use UTF-8 in place of
> UTF-16 and UTF-32. Currently these charsets are selected as-is.

Notably, I should mention:

UTF-32 is not supported at all in Opera. In fact, they removed support
for UTF-32 in version 10: http://www.opera.com/docs/changelogs/windows/1000b1/

UTF-32 and UTF-16 do not seem to be supported by Firefox at all for
xhtml, and I had to manually select the correct encoding for the html

Google Chrome, Internet Explorer 8, and Safari seem to have no
problems (although IE8 does not support xhtml at all so I could not
test these in that browser).

I'm thinking that I will make the automatic detection from the Vim
encoding default to UTF-8 for these encodings, but will leave the
detection of encoding from charset in case the user specifies one of
them using g:html_use_encoding. The user can also use
g:html_charset_override if they want these to be automatically

Thoughts? There are some test files available here if you're curious:


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