So, I'm wondering: what does libtermkey bring to the table?

It parses CSIs, the way that xterm send modified keys.

Of course, Vim can already do this to an extent.

:help keycodes
:help xterm-8bit
:help +termresponse

It's only keys like Control-I which are still indistingishable from keys
like Tab (and Enter, and Backspace, and I think shifted Control keys).
And perhaps that can't be fixed in the terminal now, but it can
certainly be fixed in the GUI.

And in doing so, the notation and representation for it can be tidied up
so there aren't a bunch of internal ambiguities and at least all the
remaining ambiguities are external ones that we are stuck with anyway
(and with luck will go away one day).

rxvt uses its own, totally-incompatible encoding scheme for modified
keypresses. This scheme is different to any other terminal that has such
abilities (all the others follow xterm's CSI scheme). It is also
incompatible with ECMA-48 (whereas xterm extends it), inextensible
beyond Ctrl and Shift, and arbitrary (happening to pick three ASCII
characters seemingly at random, to represent the Shift, Ctrl and
Ctrl+Shift states).

And AFAIK, Vim doesn't deal with this. Does libtermkey or does it only
do CSI stuff?


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