The whole situation is pretty arbitrary. E.g. ./demo's output under a
modifyOtherKeys:2 UXTerm, compressed to one row, for <Shift>+ the top row of my
typical US 105-key or variant:

<S-~> ! <S-@> # $ % <S-^> & * ( ) <S-_> + <Backspace>

Why the Shift modifier on ~, @, ^, and _, but not !, #, $, etc? (Guessing
hysterical raisins.)

This can't explain ~, but...

My guess is that these are keys which are low enough in ASCII that they
can be control keys. There should be 32 of them. A-Z makes 26, plus the
three above which are @ ^ and _, then there's [ ] and \, and that's it.
I guess you can test the theory and see if { } and | appear with shift
modifiers--though I guess they may not, since they actually generate
different characters. Still, would be interesting to know.

Maybe ~ by some other convention does something special with control.
IIRC, it is right down the other end of ASCII, at 126 or something.
Maybe it's equivalent to another one of the keys, if ctrl-a is the same
as ctrl-A, maybe ctrl-~ is equivalent to whatever is at
codepoint...126-32=94, which is definitely one of those symbols above...
It's strange, in my terminal, pressing ctrl-~ seems to do nothing,
whereas control with other 'non-control' characters makes a beep.

At any rate, since it's only these few keys which can be control
characters in the first place, it makes sense that these have the
special treatment, and the others don't.


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