Motoya Kurotsu wrote:

> The patch is attached. Please check and correct.
> I deleted the following expression in
> *sub-replace-expression* because the function has been lost
> since Patch 7.2.437.
>  Prepend a backslash to get a real <NL> character (which will be
>  a NUL in the file).
> I added the description that "\=" notation is valid in not only
> :substitute command but also substitute() function.
> I also added the description that submatch() is valid in not only
> :substitute command but also substitute() function because the
> code seems to work so. I'm not sure why :help submatch() insists
> on "Only for an expression in a :substitute command". Since the
> introduction of submatch() in eval.c (vim-6.0d or CVS revision 1.12),
> it seems to have worked with the first level substitute() such like
> the following.
> let y = substitute("hello", '\l', '\=toupper(submatch(0)), "g")

Thank for the patch.  How about adding a test?

Citizens are not allowed to attend a movie house or theater nor ride in a
public streetcar within at least four hours after eating garlic.
                [real standing law in Indiana, United States of America]

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