
Jürgen Krämer wrote:
> I can confirm this behavior on Vim 7.3.1-712 on Windows 7, compiled with
> MS-C 16.0.40219.1 (i.e., Visual Studio 2008), although it only seems to
> happen of every other input of "^".
> The caret is a dead-letter key and is ignored although a space is pressed
> afterwards. It seems to be kept in the input buffer, though, and is
> finally used when "s" is pressed, leading to a movement to the start of
> line and starting insert mode at the wrong position.
> The dollar sign you see in Alex' example is the one displayed at the end
> of the changed text if "$" is included in 'cpo'.

additional note: I could only reproduce this in GVim.


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in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.     (Calvin)

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