
Christian Brabandt wrote:
> On Di, 30 Okt 2012, Ben Schmidt wrote:
>> On 30/10/12 2:40 AM, Jürgen Krämer wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Christian Brabandt wrote:
>>>> On Mon, October 29, 2012 16:17, Axel wrote:
>>>>> "s" makes the cursor move to the beginning of the line(!) changing the
>>>>> character found there (hence the "$" sign). Also, the character "^" is in
>>>>> fact not displayed.
>>>> And how do you start Vim? Did you test with vim -u NONE -U NONE -N
>>>> Does cl work like s (it should, since s is an alias to cl)?
>>> this behavior does not depend on using cl or s. The bug lies in ignoring
>>> the caret in insert mode and using it later before executing the next
>>> command. It seems that only every other (dead-letter) caret is inserted
>>> even if it is followed by a space.
>> Caret is not a dead letter for me. So is this bug locale-dependent?
> It is for a German layout usually. But I can't reproduce it. And 
> possibly also compiler or architecture (32/64bit) dependent.

yesterday, with the example given by Alex I could reproduce it on every
try. Today I tried to construct another example, but it worked only
randomly -- sometimes pressing the caret (or apostrophe or backtick) key
followed by one or more presses of the space bar produced the correct
character immediately, sometimes it was postponed until the next
non-space key was pressed. When it was a letter that could be combined
with the respective accent (like "a" or "e") this was done, in other
cases like "m" or "," the caret and the letter were inserted separately.

I had a look at the source code in gui_w48.c and gui_w32.c, but I could
not determine where the dead letter key and the following key are
combined into one character and wether this actually has to be done by
the application or if it's done by Windows.


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in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us.     (Calvin)

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