@LCD 47

Well, that's a good question. However, the behavior should be consistent 
between the two RE engines and should not depend on a setting like ignorecase.


Lazy, hmm. Wouldn't believe that given the speed you deliver updates ;-)

The test file contains some normal text (with "i"s), UTF-8.

When calling vi with -i NONE -N -u NONE --noplugin -U NONE the following 
commands result in #4 finding characters in the test file that are not found by 
#s 1 to 3.

... +"set enc=utf-8 fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin" +"so re1.so" 
... +"set enc=utf-8 fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin" +"so re2.so" 
... +"set ignorecase enc=utf-8 fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin" +"so re1.so" 
... +"set ignorecase enc=utf-8 fencs=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin" +"so re2.so" 

where re1.so/re2.so (both UTF-8) contain
  set re=1    set re=2
  /[Ā-Ȁ]      /[Ā-Ȁ]


The version is 7.4-122 (sorry) on Windows 7, 64 bit (hence re1.so and re2.so).

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