Hi Tony,

> What does 64 bit have to do with it? (IOW, why "hence"?)

Nothing - I referred to the Windows 7 Console which usually has problems with 
UTF-8 and special characters (even when changing to CP 65000).

> Also, I suppose using filenames re1.so and re2.so rather than re1.vim and
> re2.vim makes no difference, but filename.so is usually a binary filetype 
> (Unix-like "shared object", of similar use as Windows's DLLs).

It's supposed to indicate a source file ;-)

> AFAIK, character ranges in patterns are based on the Unicode codepoint 
> ordinal value (at least that's what I would expect) and cannot exceed a 
> range of 257 characters (IIRC the results of experiments done some time 
> ago with ranges of East-Asian characters).

This may be true (clarification is needed here - hence I asked), but - as I 
pointed out to LCD - the behavior should be consistent.

> Is "latin" a valid encoding? I would expect a digit after it, as in 
> "latin1".

No it isn't, you're right. It's a typo on my part - however, w/o any influence 
on the results.

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