Tracing the startup process, reading a MD file ("gvim -V") I noticed 
that two HTML files were sourced: my own one in %VIM\.vim\syntax, plus the 
original (unchanged) one in %VIM\syntax (rtp only contains the stems of these 
two paths).
This is due to the "runtime!" (mind the exclamation mark) command in 
markdown.vim. Removing the "!" avoids the "error", so my posted suggestion was 
In fact, the error is a result of other files, e.g. vb.vim, css.vim, js.vim 
also being sourced by the original html.vim file (which btw. uses "syntax 
include" commands to source its dependent files).

Therefore, the question stands: does it make any sense to use "runtime!" 
(instead of "syntax include") here, given the possibility that s.o. (like me) 
completely rewrites a bunch of syntax files (in his own, private path)? Is this 
common practice (which would implicate that I also would have to rewrite any 
other syntax file that possibly sources "my" files?

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