Hi Bram,

2016-9-4(Sun) 21:33:17 UTC+9 h_east:
> Hi Bram and developers,
> I checked in 7.4.2321
> ==== Case 1 ====
> How to reproduce:
> - Create the following file:
>   $ cat sample1.vim
> edit a.txt
> augroup sample
>   autocmd!
>   autocmd BufUnload <buffer> tabfirst | 2bwipeout!
> augroup END
> edit b.txt
> - Run vanilla Vim with above script file
>   $ vim -Nu NONE -S sample1.vim
> Expected behavior:
> SEGV does not occur.
> Actual behavior:
> SEGVed.
> ==== Case 2 ====
> How to reproduce:
> - Create the following file:
>   $ cat sample2.vim
> setlocal buftype=nowrite
> augroup sample
>   autocmd!
>   autocmd BufUnload <buffer> tabfirst | 2bwipeout
> augroup END
> normal! i1
> edit a.txt
> call feedkeys("\<CR>")
> - Run vanilla Vim with above script file
>   $ vim -Nu NONE -S sample2.vim
> Expected behavior:
> SEGV does not occur.
> Actual behavior:
> SEGVed.
> I know there are rare case and salicious scripts.
> But, It is not good to SEGV.
> I wrote a patch.  --> `fix_autocmd_bufunload_with_bwipe.patch`
> check it out.
> I've also written test.  --> `autocmd_bufunload_with_bwipe_test.patch`
> Unfortunately, it did not SEGV in the pre-patch binary :-/
> NOTE: This issue was reported by Norio Takagi.  (Thanks!)

My patch also fixed the following case.

==== Case 3 ====
How to reproduce:
- Create the following file:
  $ cat sample3.vim
augroup sample
  autocmd BufWinLeave <buffer> tabfirst
augroup END
edit! a.txt
normal! gt
call feedkeys("\<CR>q::q\<CR>")

- Run vanilla Vim with above script file
  $ vim -Nu NONE -S sample3.vim

Expected behavior:
SEGV does not occur.

Actual behavior:

Best regards,
Hirohito Higashi (a.k.a. h_east)

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