
On Mi, 21 Sep 2016, h_east wrote:
>  func! Test_popup_complete2()
> -  " Insert match immediately, if there is only one match
> -  "  <c-e> Should select a character from the line below
> -  " TODO: test disabled because the code change has been reverted.
> -  throw "Skipped: Bug with <c-e> and popupmenu not fixed yet"
> +  " 'the popup menu is not visible' is not equivalent to  'the completion 
> mode
> +  " is not active'.
> +  " After the type <F5>, Vim still stay in the first state of the completion
> +  " mode.  It is not related to the visible of popup.
> +  " So that, the first <C-E> behavior is `complete_CTRL-E`, and the second 
> and
> +  " more <C-E> is `i_CTRL_E`

How about this:
Although the popupmenu is not visible, this does not mean completion 
mode has ended. After pressing <f5> to complete the currently typed 
char, Vim still stays in the first state of the completion
(:h ins-completion-menu), although the popupmenu wasn't shown <c-e> will 
remove the inserted completed text (:h complete_CTRL-E), while the 
following <c-e> will behave like expected (:h i_CTRL-E)

> -  call assert_equal(["December2015", "", "December2015"], getline(1,3))
> +  call assert_equal(["Dece", "", "December2015"], getline(1,3))

Looks good to me.

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