Hi Bram, Ruben and list,

2016-12-12(Mon) 1:40:01 UTC+9 Ruben Gonzalez:
> Sorry, I find the error, I was using also:
> set completeopt=menuone,noinsert
> But, If I use
> set completeopt=menuone,preview
> Works as expected, the problem was using menuone,noinsert or menuone,noselect 
> and then I dit not see the dictionary completion.

This is a proposal.
I want to change to the specification that ignores the specification of 
noselect and/or noinsert, when there is only one completion candidate.

It is hard to understand the current behavior.

Patch for complete() function.
This patch was written by Shinya Ohyanagi.

How about this?

If OK, I'll write the remaining patch and test.

Best regards,
Hirohito Higashi (a.k.a. h_east)

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