Hi All,

2016-12-12(Mon) 21:58:29 UTC+9 Lifepillar:
> I think noinsert or noselect is ignored only when completeopt includes menu 
> instead of menuone.
> That would be more acceptable for me, too. My plugin requires menuone, so it 
> would not be affected.

Hmm, Your requires item is `menu`, isn't it?

I think that it isn't a good design to change the behavior of only `menuone`.
Rather than making that change, it is better to not change the current behavior.

...Or, add a new value to 'completeopt'...
For example, "forceinsertone" ...

I will not proactively act on this proposal. But I also want to hear opinions 
from other people.

Best regards,
Hirohito Higashi (a.k.a. h_east)

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