Hi Christian and Jürgen,

I just checked, and I don't set the value in my .vimrc (neither in Linux
nor in Windows).

The Windows Vim tells me that the spellfile is not set:

The Ubuntu Vim tells me that the spellfile is in:

Note that BEFORE giving a "zg" to add a word to the wordlist,
even the Ubuntu Vim tells me that there is no spellfile.
In other words, Vim does the assignment when needed.

As for the files themselves, they exist in Windows and have been used not a
long time ago:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim>dir *.add /s
 Il volume nell'unità C è OS
 Numero di serie del volume: BAF6-B607

 Directory di C:\Program Files (x86)\Vim\vimfiles\spell

29/03/2019  18:17               365 en.latin1.add
20/03/2019  22:20             1.593 it.latin1.add
               2 File          1.958 byte

Sooo, I guess that for some reason the Windows Vim can't define on the fly
the spell file (maybe for some authorization problem). Of course it used to
work just fine in the past.

If I try to define the spellfile (in Windows Vim) it does not seem to work.
Vim silently cuts a few chars at the end of the name, it does not complain,
but then the spellfile is not set.

:set spellfile="C:/Program Files (x86)/Vim/vimfiles/spell/en.latin1.add"

The final 'dd"' is dropped from the display, but the assignment is not done.

Should I try some "verbose" something?

Thanks and all the best, Antonio

> Can you check with
>     :verb set spellfile
> whether and where it has been cleared on your Windows computer and where
> it has been set on you Linux machines?

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