I have uploaded a new snapshot of MacVim.app to


This is mostly a bug fix release and many of the fixes are to the Core Text
renderer.  I think most of the really obvious display issues in Core Text
should be fixed now (one exception: dragging to resize a window sometimes
causese display tearing, but I can't decide whether this is a problem that only
occurs on my Mac).

The "Find Pasteboard" interaction has changed slightly to make it easier to
pull searches from MacVim into other apps.  Previously, if you hit * on top of
some word, e.g. "test", and then hit Cmd+g in another app, then that app would
search for "\<test\>" and consequently fail to find anything.  I have fixed
this and some other common problems (related to using the "Find Dialog").

I also want to mention that I have rearranged the Services menu so that it
works better on Snow Leopard (hopefully I did not break anything on Leopard and
Tiger).  There are now two entries: "New MacVim Buffer With Selection" which
opens a new buffer with whatever text is selected, and "New MacVim Buffer Here"
which opens a new buffer and sets the pwd to that of the file or folder you had
selected (in Finder).  Note that on Snow Leopard you can access the Services
menus by right-clicking, which makes them a whole lot easier to use than on
Leopard and Tiger (e.g. try right-clicking a file in Finder, or select some
text in Safari and right-click the selection).  (The "Open Selected File"
Service has been deprecated since it was not very useful and it was kind of
confusing as to what it really did.)

A warning: it is possible that this release will break Ruby plugins due to a
patch to mainline Vim (which changed return types of certain functions from
String to Fixnum).  For example, the LustyExplorer plugin broke because of this
(but has subsequently been patched).  At any rate, if you have any problems
with Ruby plugins after updating to snapshot 52 you should contact the plugin

Changes since snapshot 51:
  - Ctrl+Tab works (Core Text)
  - Improve Cmd+g behavior in other apps when repeating a search that
    originated in MacVim
  - Support "a" flag in 'guioptions'
  - Use device colors instead of calibrated colors (fixes a bug where the
    background color in full-screen mode would not match the background color
    of the view)
  - Get rid of some occasional warning messages on stdout
  - Fix drawing issues related to :vsp and 'guioptions' (Core Text)
  - Avoid white flashing on new window and zoom (Core Text)
  - Scrollbars are placed properly (Core Text)
  - Allow manual resizing of window across multiple screens
  - Fix Alt+Space mappings in keyboard layouts (e.g. French Dvorak)
  - Add wide font support (Core Text)
  - Fix memory leak in ATSUI renderer
  - Resize view properly when showing toolbar
  - Fix issues with Chinese IM (pressing "o" in normal mode no longer inserts
    "o" into the buffer)
  - Fix Services for Snow Leopard.  There are now two services:
      * New MacVim Buffer With Selected
      * New MacVim Buffer Here
  - Support "%" flag in 'viminfo'
  - Opening encrypted files from Spotlight works
  - Do not reuse "unused windows" (unless the appropriate option in the
    Preferences is set)
  - Support 'exrc' option when opening files from Finder
  - Add support for :winpos
  - Update Vim sources and runtime files


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