On Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 16:28 , Martin Lundberg wrote:
> I've been having a discussion about the subject in vim_use here: 
> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/vim_use/q3YmNgWwUYM/discussion
> To make sure it was not a plugin problem I started both normal vim, vim which 
> comes with macvim and macvim with this:
> vim -u NONE -U NONE -N
> And it worked great in both terminal vim but failed in macvim.
Go into Preferences -> Advanced and make sure "Draw marked text inline" is 
_not_ selected.

Let me know if that does not solve your problem.

By the way, there is a way to have MacVim automatically switch keyboard layout 
in insert mode and keep a US (or similar) layout in normal mode (which would 
also resolve your issue). This is what I do personally if I e.g. have to type 
Swedish text. Simply switch to US layout in normal mode, type ":set noimd", 
enter insert mode and switch to Swedish layout. The next time you exit insert 
mode MacVim will switch back to US (and then back to Swedish when you enter 
insert mode again). See ":h macvim-international" for more info.


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