
* Federico Calboli <f.calb...@gmail.com>:
> I am using MacVim (the latest Lion version, on the latest Lion) and I
> am using this plugin:
> http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2628
> http://www.lepem.ufc.br/jaa/vim-r-plugin.html
> which works, but might work better. In iTem2 calling \rf creates an
> instance of R in the same window (thanks to screen and tmux I guess),
> while in MacVim \rf opens an instance of R.app. I'd like to have my
> vim generate R session in the same vim window (like I get for vim in a
> shell)... Is there any way of achieving this (http://www.lepem.ufc.br/
> jaa/vim-r-plugin_object_browser_2.png) in MacVim?

I'm neither on Lion nor using R but what you want seems pretty close to
what ConqueTerm provides.

:ConqueTermSplit <whatever command launches R>

If you need to 'send' content from your file to the R session you will
probably need to remap the default ConqueTerm keys...

[I use ConqueTerm a lot, mainly with (i)python or bash sessions, it is not
bug-free but often good enough]



Sylvain Soliman <sylvain.soli...@m4x.org>   GnuPG Public Key: 0x0F53AF99
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