On Wed, 23 Mar 2011, Tim Chase wrote:

On 03/21/2011 11:58 PM, c b wrote:
Hi Tom,



On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Tim Chase<v...@tim.thechases.com>  wrote:
On 03/21/2011 01:43 PM, sanjay ravat wrote:
[2011-03-21T18:45:46.004-07:00] [Other info]... log message
[2011-03-21T18:45:46.008-07:00] [Other info]... log message
[2011-03-21T18:45:46.607-07:00] [Other info]... log message

Thanks for the example data and better description. After experimenting with it, I came up with the following:

:set foldmethod=expr

Change the 19 according to which depth you want:

Seconds: 19 (above example)
Minutes: 16
Hours: 13
Days: 10
Months: 7
Years: 4

1. How can we expand this so that multiple nesting (based on timestamp) will be supported? i.e. if we have logs for two days 2011-03-20 and 2011-03-21, the first level would have only two lines shown (when folded) viz. 2011-03-20 and 2011-03-21. Then upon opening one of the folds, each would have upto 24 folds (one for each hour), then each hour would have upto 60 folds (one for each minute) and so on.

You can tweak the expression to chain them...something ugly like

set foldexpr=(getline(v:lnum)[:19]==getline(v:lnum+1)[:19])?6:((getline(v:lnum)[:16]==getline(v:lnum+1)[:16])?'<6':((getline(v:lnum)[:13]==getline(v:lnum+1)[:13])?'<5':((getline(v:lnum)[:10]==getline(v:lnum+1)[:10])?'<4':((getline(v:lnum)[:7]==getline(v:lnum+1)[:7])?'<3':((getline(v:lnum)[:4]==getline(v:lnum+1)[:4])?'<2':'<1')))))

looks like it works for me.

Get thee to a function!

Tested... but there are some off-by-one issues. (The indices of the array start at 0, and '<1' is taken for 'no fold here', so the levels start at 2.) (Don't have time to fix it right now... just procrastinating at work...)

Use it by setting up the functions:

:set foldmethod=expr foldexpr=TimeStampFoldExpr() foldtext=TimeStampFoldText()
[===] :se fdm=expr fde=TimeStampFoldExpr() fdt=TimeStampFoldText()

==> ~/.vim/plugin/timestampfold.vim <==
let s:levels = [ 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19 ]

fun! s:TimeStamp(lnum,i)
        let off = s:levels[a:i < 0 ? 0 : a:i]
        return getline(a:lnum)[:off]

fun! TimeStampFoldExpr()
        let prefix = ''
        for i in reverse(range(len(s:levels)))
                let lev = i + 2
                let offset = levels[i]
                if s:TimeStamp(v:lnum,i) == s:TimeStamp(v:lnum+1,i)
                        return prefix . lev
                let prefix = '<'
        return prefix . '1'

fun! TimeStampFoldText()
        return v:folddashes . s:TimeStamp(v:foldstart, v:foldlevel-2)

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