On Mar 24, 2011, at 4:11 PM, Marc Weber wrote:

>> line' I was referring to Vim's command line mode, not the terminal.
>> I'm sorry for the confusion.
> So it looks like the wish to use /bin/sh to install plugins using shell
> is not as huge as I thought - so no need to rewrite parts of VAM or
> duplicate implementation. (lucky me)
>> Something similar to having the system version of Vim in /usr/bin and
>> the one I compiled on /usr/local/bin. Let's say I have two dirs, one
>> is a shared one maintained by someone else (A), the other is the one I
>> maintain (B). So, say I modify one of the plugins available on the dir
>> A and I put on B, then I'd just disable the inside A and leave the 
>> other one working.
> What exactly are you talking about? Standard installation or standard
> installation and custom plugins?
> VimL plugins are so cheap (in size and file count) that it should'nt
> cause any trouble having a full copy of all plugins for each user.
> So there should be no need to use directories managed (and patched) by
> someone else.
> The way to go is ask that "someone else" to push his scripts to a public
> mirror (eg github) so that you can check them out into your directory
> easily.
> - You'll have a backup on a different host
> - you can patch it to make it fit your needs
> - ...
> So make me understand why the solution of picking some plugins from one
> directory and others from another directory is so appealing to you?

I agree with all that, don't take me wrong. Maybe I find the idea so appealing 
because I think the implementation could be easy with the current code, I might 
be wrong though, it's still on the todo list :)

But as I pointed out before, I don't think it's worth much trouble anymore, if 
I see I can implement it easily I'll do (it's my way of procrastinating :p ), 
it's not something I'll be using that much anyway.

> VAM could have a g:vam_list_of_paths_containing_plugins so that you can
> add both, the (A) and (B) directories.
> However I'm still curious why you want to have so much sharing.

I don't share stuff that much, bairui (the other guy that worked with me on 
this) is the one who uses the shared model (I'm not sure if he's following the 
discussion). I just keep stuff in sets, one is stuff I have installed with VAM, 
other is symlinks to the plugins I play with and the third is a test framework.

> If there are two users sharing the same account you can still use
> symlinks:
> mkdir vam-addons1
> mkdir vam-addons2
> git clone plugin1 vam-addons1
> ln -s ../vam-addons1/plugin1 vam-addons2/plugin1
> Then both directories access the same "plugin1" contents.

That looks a bit convoluted to me, maybe because I'm not sure I got the idea.

>> But I don't think this is a big deal now, you guys have made me think
>> and it doesn't sounds as important as it did. Right now I could just
>> put my B dir before A, so its content takes precedence, just like with
>> $PATH. That should be enough for most cases.
>> So, I can disable a plugin with the following command from Vim:
>> :Plugin disable pluginX
> Can you talk about this plugin? Why don't you load it always?
> Maybe there are additional solutions.

Usually, while troubleshooting. I don't like renaming or moving directories 
from the terminal, I usually end up with a mess. So, having a way to not load a 
plugin from vim is a nice thing to have for me.

>> Something like that, since I might not have write access to any of the
>> dirs, the list with all dirs with their plugins is written to
>> ~/.vim/bundled_plugins, one item per line.
> So would symlinking those "foreign" plugins into your plugin dir be an
> option?

Yes. On of the dirs I use has only symlinks to the plugins I have somewhere 
else, those that I work on.

> I'm asking so much because I'm concerned that one of documentation,
> advertising or communication was not good enough in the past leading to
> many duplicated work. That's why I started this thread..
> So thank you for taking the time talking about your concerns and use
> cases.

I'm happy to help in any way.


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