On 04/07/2011 08:05 PM, Tim Gray wrote:
I feel like to get the most out of it you need to a) put the
time in to learn it and b) put the time in *configuring* to
make it work for you.

While I certainly agree with (a), I'm at the other end of the spectrum on (b). One of the things I like most about vi/vim/gvim is that I have it on all my *nix boxes by default (whether vim on Linux and Mac, or nvi on OpenBSD if I haven't yet installed vim) and have installed it on my Win32 boxes...it behaves (mostly) the same everywhere out-of-the-box without any tweaks. It might be a rarity as lots of folks on the list have tricked-out configs, but other people have told similar tales[1]. The cost of losing a config or keeping it in sync across umpteen boxes is more hassle than it's worth to me.

Just my $0.02 on it. (and to answer your initial question, I use Vim for all my text editing, whether code, HTML/CSS, or just plain vanilla text-files like to-do lists and emails)



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