On Jun 20, 10:53 am, Ben Fritz <fritzophre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If there
> is actually some way to accomplish getting the stdout output of a
> program without opening a cmd window, I'd sure like to know it!

I suppose I should also explain what I'm trying to accomplish, in case
there's a better solution, although I'd also like an answer to the
general question.

I'm trying to determine the encoding used by the cmd.exe shell, and
use that encoding by default for DOS .bat files. On all the systems I
use day-to-day, this turns out to be cp437.

I know I can use the "chcp" command in a cmd.exe shell to output the
current encoding, so prior to patch 203, I had a system() command
which grabs the output of this command in my .vimrc. However, as a
side effect, every time I launch Vim with this call in the .vimrc, a
cmd.exe window flashes. I'd much rather use no extra window at all, so
as an easy workaround I used !start /b with command redirection to a
temporary file and Vim's client-server functions to read in the output
without opening a shell window.

But then I ran into the problem detailed in my original post: !start /
b does not allow redirection to a file.

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