On 01/19/12 21:24, Chris Jones wrote:
On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 08:42:51PM EST, Tim Chase wrote:
     let item = histget(getcmdtype(), -1)

Incidentally, I rather like the ‘cnoremap<expr>...’  syntax and I need
to evaluate it against the ‘cnoremap  ....<C-\>eMyFunc()<CR>’ form. In
my case they do the same -- including the fact that the value passed
back by the function overwrites the entire line including what I had
already typed (cf. my earlier reply to Paul) :-(

I'm not sure I follow the "overwriting" bit...it should insert the text as if you typed it, rather than overwrite anything.

I think my use case is pretty much limited to handling paths (navigating
the file system) and file names (loading&  saving buffers), so I think
I'll stick with the basic functionality I initially had in mind.

If this is the case, and you don't have spaces in your filename, that last regexp ('^.* \(.*\)') could be moved to higher precidence and it should pull out the last content after a space, so if you type

  :w /path/to/wherever

and then issue

  :sp <m-.>

it *should* insert the last thing in the previous command, leaving you with

  :sp /path/to/wherever

But I'll analyze your PreviousTail() function nonetheless, if
only to understand how it works -- especially the fact that
you do no have an initialization routine, which suggests that
you let Vim keep track of where it is pointing in the

the first line, assigning to "item" is where that magic happens. The histget() allows for negative indexing in the specified history to get the most recent item:

  :help :history-indexing
  :help histget()
  :help getcmdtype()

For the history name, it exploits the fact that histget() accepts the value returned from getcmdtype() which tells you which command-line you're in (forward-search, reverse-search, or colon-command-line).

The rest of the code is merely attempts to figure out what you mean by "the last thing" that you want to insert by checking "item" against the list of patterns and then pulling out the last non-blank result tagged in that pattern with \(...\) if that pattern matched.


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