On 2016-09-15 07:53, Amit Christian wrote:
> > I have disabled (temporarily) the use of j, k, h, l (using
> > HardMode vim plugin). 
> I think my decision about disabling hljk (even temporarily) may not
> be good. I userstand that it is not recommended to disable an
> inbuilt capability. But In my case, I am just getting used to many
> other motion keys.

While I haven't used hardmode.vim, I seem to recall that it doesn't
*disable* h/j/k/l but rather detects when you're using them
repeatedly and slows you down to think about finding another way to
do it.  Or that might be some other plugin.  I think that's a good
compromise between encouraging laziness and disabling them completely.

And I'd only suggest it as training-wheels, and disable it once you
find more ways to navigate and get them into your muscle memory.

> Here are some of takeaways so far (for me).
>  - Use <number>jkhl,w,e,b,ge etc.
>  - Use relative numbers.
>  - Use easymotion plugin. (which is pretty awesome!)
>  - Use / for search. Start using marks for quick yanking/delete.
> (for example, to copy a block, mark at the start (ma). Go to end of
> the block, type y'a to copy, or d'a to delete.
>   - Use control+o in insert mode. (e.g. control+o+3j) etc
> Please share any other tips/suggestions you may have. Thanks.

Jumping by paragraph with } and { are another common one.  I also
like the ] and [ family of functions

   :helpgrep \*].\*

will pull back lots of them, including navigating C-style blocks,
between mis-spelled words, diff blocks, etc.


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