Hi Nicola

On 9/28/16 6:33 PM, Nicola wrote:

>> On 9/22/16 2:28 PM, 张正宇 wrote:
>> As I said, I struggled to write a plugin. Request for comment!
>> https://github.com/freemandealer/CodeCoverFlow
> You've brilliantly solved your own problem, so this may be a bit late, but…
> using the commands and mappings described in :h preview-window might get
> you close to your workflow. Off the top of my head, assuming you start from
> a single window:
> :ptag or <c-w>} or <c-w>g} (to open a tag in the preview window)
> <c-w><c-x> (to exchange windows)
> :se nopreviewwindow (to turn the preview window into a normal window)
> <c-w><c-o> (to close the other window)
> and repeat.

Thanks for your reply. It is never to late to know new things :)

My plugin is just a simple wrapper of something similar to preview
window - most of my want is a new window, isn't it? The rest is to
create a bidirectional flow between these windows.

All the best!

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