
For some reason when I do a symbol search with Cscope in Vim I get repeated 
symbols, e.g.:

:cs find s setID
e.H|188| <<setID>> void setID (int ID) { _ID = ID; }
e.H|188| <<setID>> void setID (int ID) { _ID = ID; }
e.H|188| <<setID>> void setID (int ID) { _ID = ID; }
e.H|188| <<setID>> void setID (int ID) { _ID = ID; }

I noticed that the symbols always gets repeated exactly 4 times.

I have the following Cscope related settings in my .vimrc:

if has("cscope") && filereadable("cscope.out")
  cscope kill -1
  set nocscopeverbose
  cscope add cscope.out
  set cscopeverbose

Anybody has any idea what is going on?


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